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A contractual relationship is a common and popular relationship that appears every day in the form of a written, verbal or specific act. In Vietnam, Article 385 of 2015 Civil Code defines a contract as “an agreement between parties to create, modify, or extinguish a civil right or duty.” From this, it is clear that the law emphasizes “agreement of parties” in the contractual relationship. This agreement, however, must not be illegal. This is also why, according to specialized law, there will be different constraints for each type of contract in each field. The parties involved in the contractual relationship must understand the law in order to avoid or predict the risks that may occur during the performance of the contract.

Because the contractual relationship is a common relationship that covers all aspects of the life of individuals and businesses, the risks arising from contractual relationships are also extremely diverse and rich



Lawyer Service

Drafting, reviewing and forecasting contractual risks on the basis of customer requirements in accordance with the law;

Consulting on the provisions of law and the application in practice related to the terms in the types of contracts of enterprises;

Studying relevant documents and finding out relevant information about the parties to provide the optimal consulting solution for contract drafting and signing, ensuring maximum benefits for the business and balancing the interests of the parties to the contract;

Participating in negotiations for signing, perform, change, supplement and terminate the contract performance;

Consulting and representing customers to resolve disputes arising from the contract;

In terms of specific contractual relationships, contract legal services at Vo & Associates provide a wide range of services, including civil contracts, economic contracts, private contract; service supply contract, authorization contract, labor contract, joint-venture contract, information confidentiality contract, real estate sale and transfer contracts and other types of contracts.

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