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Commercial Business


Commercial Business

Commercial business is an overarching activity aimed at profitability of parties who are traders when participating in transactions. Legal provisions governing commercial business relations are regulated with specialized laws, the Commercial Law 2005 and the Civil Code 2015.

“Nothing ventures, nothing gains”, commercial activities promote the development of the economy, but with the diversity of commercial activities in daily life, the legal regulations on commercial business activities are quite complicated. In addition, Vietnam after joining the WTO as well as bilateral and multilateral agreements with countries in the region and the world entails open-door constraints, from which Vietnamese businesses are forced to comply with the rules of the “region and the world”.

In order to avoid legal risks leading to material as well as reputational damage, traders need to choose an experienced and professional legal consultant to guide and warn of risks before entering into commercial business legal relations.

Lawyer Services

Consulting and reviewing business conditions of enterprises, carrying out licensing procedures for conditional business lines;

Provide a commercial business law training package for the internal legal department corresponding to the field of operation of the enterprise;

Consulting and reviewing domestic commercial business contracts, international goods purchase and sale contracts;

In-depth legal consultancy on logistics, maritime and domestic goods transportation;

Consulting and carrying out procedures related to advertising, promotion and trade promotion activities;

Drafting and providing forms of commercial contracts, economic contracts, confidentiality agreements and other documents;

Consulting and carrying out procedures related to e-commerce activities, registering electronic exchange;

Legal advice on opening bank guarantees, L/C in entering into commercial contracts, economic contracts.

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